3 things I want to learn in 2016
2015 was a turning point in my professional career. I left my job in USA as Microsoft Orange Badge employee and returned back to India for working full time in Courses.Ninja.
You may think that after joining an early phase start-up, my biggest challenge might have been the work culture change (Corp vs Start-up) or new role/responsibilities but in reality, it was the new technology stack. All of my previous projects were in Microsoft .NET stack (even hobby projects like — Lockerz, my Windows Modern app). For me, SQL was the only database system and ASP.NET was the only web app framework. I literally didn’t have much idea about JavaScript world and its jungle of countless frameworks.
At Courses.Ninja, it was a complete “format” for me. Almost everything was new: programming language (JavaScript from C#), Server Side technology (Node.js from ASP.NET), Database (Mongo from SQL) and even IDE (Webstorm from VS). Though few of my friends struggled a lot in these kinds of complete tech transitions, I had bit smoother learning curve (thanks to the awesome JS dev community and learning resources).
There was so much to learn in 2015 and it also made me realize that there are tons of things which I need to learn in upcoming days. In this post, I would like to share 3 of the most important things I am planning to explore, learn and use in 2016:
Machine Learning: At Courses.Ninja, we want to evolve our product and basic Course suggest mechanism to next level where we want to deliver more personalized results to our end users. This needs deep understanding of user base and needs. In last few years, Machine Learning has enabled such experiences and is continuing to evolve.
Microservice architecture: This is the latest buzz in software design and patterns. Microservices enable agile teams to deliver fast and scale independently. Recently we implemented CQRS design pattern in few components. Although a complete/pure adoption of CQRS is still under consideration for us, but I definitely want to try out and implement Microservices at Courses.Ninja.
IoT: “Internet of Things” is definitely the hottest technology trend around. While it is still not yet standardized as a platform, the possibilities and opportunities are quite exciting. At Courses.Ninja, we are trying to relate/evaluate different problems which IoT can solve in education sector. Although it is still too early for it, but we want to explore and see how it can help us to realize our ultimate vision of empowering learners worldwide.
Let me your thoughts on above trends. Am I missing anything important here?
(Originally posted here - https://medium.com/my-tekpill/3-things-i-want-to-learn-in-2016-95e3454366a1 )