Rapid adoption — Easier onboarding and familiar design
<This short post is based on one of my recent discussions with a colleague/>
Communicating your product capabilities to your end-customers is one of most important barrier for early and rapid adoption. If your product is a pain-killer and does the task even a bit poorly — Customers will still “forgive” you. But if you are building a vitamin — there is no other option than having a great UX (Great = Simple).
While using GSuite — I used to think why (and how) they got so much traction and adoption in SMBs — despite being a poor B2B product (as compared to Office 365. I know many people are going to complain about this view) and having an image of “data thief for Ads”. In the initial days, Office 365 had a poor onboarding (and some people will say — it is still!) where GSuite won a big edge. The familiar design and ecosystem (Drive, Docs) helped them to win more SMBs (though Office had OneDrive, and whole suite of Office product).
While defining and comparing products — apart from their features, easier onboarding and familiar design must be also counted.
(originally posted here - https://medium.com/@ankitwww/rapid-adoption-easier-on-boarding-and-familiar-design-d01a68d221b3)